摘要:利用强大的分子可视化技术和Cresset久经考验的静电技术可以深入了解蛋白质-配体复合物结构,通过高质量的图形和交互式分析可以有效地传达您的想法。Flare Viewer是基于结构药物设计软件Flare的免费许可组件,它是一款先进的分子可视化工具。在Flare Viewer中您可以使用免费的组件。


用Flare Viewer您可以:

  • 轻松可视化和分析您的蛋白质-配体复合物
  • 使用Cresset专有的静电技术设计新的配体
  • 通过高质量的图形传达您的想法
  • 控制3D视图中选择的内容
  • 生成共结晶配体的场表面以了解其静电特征
  • 最小化配体或配体的用户定义部分,确保键、角度和两面角具有较低的能量值
  • 将场表面预测到两个分子的分子表面上并排比较它们
  • 截屏、注释和调用重要场景
  • 将多种蛋白质读入Flare,并对齐它们
  • 优化蛋白质结构

Flare Viewer视频演示,请点击播放键

Flare Viewer的特性

Flare Viewer是基于结构药物设计软件Flare的免费许可组件,它是一款先进的分子可视化工具。在Flare Viewer中您可以使用免费的组件,功能详见下表。

Flare Viewer Flare Essentials Flare Designer Flare Professional
Commercial organizations Yes Yes Yes Yes
Academics Flare Essentials recommended See academic licensing options Yes Yes

Protein-centric operations

Dedicated protein table enabling rapid inspection of specific chains or residues Yes Yes Yes Yes
Protein sequence alignment and superposition Yes Yes Yes Yes
Refine the structure of the protein active site by flipping and changing the protonation/tautomeric state of relevant residues Yes Yes Yes Yes
Calculate and color protein molecular surfaces by atom, secondary structure and hydrophobicity Yes Yes Yes Yes
Control every protein surface with individual display options in the dedicated protein surfaces table Yes Yes Yes Yes
Prepare proteins for further calculation Yes Yes Yes
Calculate amino acid protonation states at dedicated pHs Yes Yes Yes
Perform single point mutation for your proteins Yes Yes Yes
Protein minimization using the XED force field Yes Yes Yes
Display protein interaction potentials for the protein active site Yes Yes
Calculate and color protein molecular surfaces by Electrostatic Complementarity to specific ligands Yes Yes
Calculate water positions using 3D RISM with XED and AMBER FF Yes
Merge protein loops and equilibrate with dynamics Yes
Use dynamics with explicit and implicit solvent models


Calculate water stability using 3D RISM with XED and AMBER FF on Apo and liganded structures


Examine protein stability using OpenMM Dynamics on CPU or GPU Yes

Ligand-centric operations

Dedicated ligand table to store all ligands in your project with full visibility control, sortable on any column Yes Yes Yes Yes
Calculated physico-chemical properties for each ligand Yes Yes Yes Yes
Calculate radial plot multi-parametric scores to select the compounds with the best properties Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create new ligands in the active site of the protein Yes Yes Yes Yes
Easily edit copies of a ligand to explore SAR in the active site of the protein Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filter ligands on physio-chemical properties, structures and tags Yes Yes Yes Yes
Calculate radial plot multi-parametric scores to select the compounds with the best properties Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visualize ligand electrostatics to gain a deep understanding of SAR Yes Yes Yes Yes
Easy and accurate docking of ligands using 1 CPU core Yes Yes Yes
Tackle the flexibility of the protein active site with ensemble docking Yes (single CPU) Yes (multiple CPU) Yes (multiple CPU)
Dock congeneric ligands based on a template pose to get the best results possible Yes (single CPU) Yes (multiple CPU) Yes (multiple CPU)
Dock covalent ligands to your protein Yes (single CPU) Yes (multiple CPU) Yes (multiple CPU)
Minimize your ligands in the protein active site Yes Yes Yes
Dock ligands using multiple CPU cores Yes Yes
Perfect ligand design using ligand and protein electrostatics Yes Yes
Show Electrostatic Complementarity maps towards the protein of interest Yes Yes
Fast and interactive Electrostatic Complementarity scores for molecule ranking Yes Yes
Explore conformations for ligands using Cresset’s XED force field Yes Yes
Align Ligands using Cresset’s patented field based algorithm Yes Yes
Align ligands using common substructures Yes Yes
Use HPC resources to rapidly dock thousands of ligands Option
Use dynamics to study ligand-protein complexes Yes
Investigate ligand-protein energetics with WaterSwap Yes
Predict ligand energetics using WaterSwap Yes
Accurate predict ligand-protein affinity using FEP Yes with FEP option
Expand FEP projects with new ligands Yes with FEP option
Monitor FEP results with interactive visual tools Yes with FEP option
Correct and re-run single, problematic links in the perturbation network Yes with FEP option
Re-run a perturbation network with different protein structures Yes with FEP option


Ribbon menu structure for quick identification of commands and controls Yes Yes Yes Yes
Drag and drop ligands between protein and ligand tables Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visualize protein-ligand interactions and steric clashes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Focus on active site Yes Yes Yes Yes
Easily compare protein-ligand complexes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Grid the 3D window by protein and ligand to compare and contrast Yes Yes Yes Yes
Capture 3D view to the storyboard to track and communicate ideas Yes Yes Yes Yes
Summary and detailed logging of calculations and events Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create stunning high definition pictures for commuication of results Yes Yes Yes Yes


Access the RDKit cheminformatics toolkit With supported version Yes Yes Yes
Create and automate workflows using the Python API With supported version Yes Yes Yes
Upgrade Flare with Python modules for graphing, statistics, Jupyter Notebook With supported version Yes Yes Yes
Expand the functionality of the Flare GUI using Cresset released Python extensions With supported version Yes Yes Yes
Automate and distribute Flare calculations using pyFlare and Cresset released Python scripts and snippets Option

Remote processing

Cresset Engine Broker Option


Email support Optional – please enquire Yes Yes Yes

* In some countries – please enquire to see if you are eligible for support.



